Who Are We? ______
Passion. Togetherness.
Work hard. Professionalism.
Difficulty is for a reality…
KUZEYBORU – Pipe and Fittings Manufacturer
Kuzeyboru is a company that provides engineering support to the production and infrastructure projects of plastic pipes and fittings and performs important duties in the sector and all the special projects of the world.
Kuzeyboru has international standarts and accredited laboratories with high production capabilities to cover all plastic pipes standarts in the worldwide.
Our company has got ISO 9001 system certificate,
ISO 14000 Environmental Certificate,
OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Management System Certificate,
ISO 50001 Energy Management System Certificate
ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System
ISO 27001 Information Security Management System certificates.
The products we manufacture are produced with a lot of European, American and international standards i.e EN (Europen Norm), DIN – Germany Norms, TSE (Turkish Standards Institute), ISO and other institutes.

The hard concrete is easier to process, mount and provide cost savings during.Constructive other pipes tend to crack and break. HDPE pipe is designed to withstand the impact of cold weather installations. In sea applications, the pipe can be mounted on the shore in long lengths and then fitted in place.
KUZEYBORU Plastic Pipe Factory’s production of his Plastic Pipe and Fittings are listed in the following manner.

Drinking Water Pipes
HDPE Pipe High Density Polyethylene Drinking Water Pipes (20mm – 1200mm)
LDPE PE32 Drinking Water Supply Pipes (20 mm – 63 mm)
HDPE Electrofusion Fittings
Additional HDPE Fittings (injection, fabrication, push-fit sticked)
PVC Pipes for drinking water and PVC fittings (20mm – 400mm)
Self Muffed Corrugated Pipe (100mm – 1000mm)
Spiral Corrugated Pipe (800mm – 2000mm)
PVC waste water pipes (50 mm – 250 mm)
Gas Pipes
PE80 natural gas pipes (20 mm – 400 mm)
Hdpe 100 Natural Gas (20 mm to 500 mm)

Telecommunication Products
Fiber optic sheath pipe and fittings (40 mm)
Telecom Corrugated pipe (50-75-90-100-110-150 mm) and fittings
Agricultural products
Sprinkler Pipes
Latch sprinkler pipes and sprinkler (75 mm – 160 mm)
Clamp the pipe and sprinkler (75 mm – 160 mm)
Drip Pipes
Bodywork products
PPRC Pipes and Fittings
PEX pipes and fittings
Dredging Products
Pe100 Dredging Pipe (110mm – 1200mm)
Carrier Barges (the desired Capacity)
Flexible Rubber Pipe (110 mm – 800 mm)
Telecommunication Products
Fiber optic sheath pipe and fittings (40 mm)
Telecom Corrugated pipe (50-75-90-100-110-150 mm) and fittings
Agricultural Products
Sprinkler Pipes
Latch sprinkler pipes and sprinkler (75 mm – 160 mm)
Clamp the pipe and sprinkler (75 mm – 160 mm)
Drip Pipes
Superstructure Products
PPRC Pipes and Fittings
PEX pipes and fittings
Dredging Products
Pe100 Dredging Pipe (110mm – 1200mm)
Carrier Barges (the desired Capacity)
Flexible Rubber Pipe (110 mm – 800 mm)

As Kuzeyboru we are a company that knows our social responsibilities, respects human beings, the environment and social culture, constantly carries out activities for them, and collects benefits as well as earning money.
To provide customer satisfaction, we provide the best prices available at the highest quality possible. We provide instant solutions to all kinds of project and application problems and offer reasonable engineering solutions without cost. We think and practice the best for our employer and suppliers.
Some of our revenue income to education, student scholarships, social activities and charities. We give away all the income of our Kuzeyboru accreditation laboratory to Mehmetçik Foundation. We focus on exports and work for our country.