Pvc Basınçlı İçme Suyu Boruları
PVC Pipes
Pvc Pressure Pipes for Drinking Water are produced from 100% PVC raw materials in accordance with TSE CEN/TS 1452-7:2014 and TS EN ISO 1452-4:2011 quality standard. Recycling and waste materials are not used in our production. We also produce DIN and other standards according to the customer's request. Pvc Pipe Production at 20 mm - 400 mm diameter range and 6-8-10-16 Bar pressure.

Advantages of Kuzeyboru Pvc Pipes
PVC pipe does not give taste or smell to the water it carries.
It does not react with water like metal pipes.
The smooth inner wall surface of PVC prevents water pollution by preventing biofilm formation.
PVC water pressure pipes are resistant to underground external corrosion and internal pipe corrosion.
PVC pressurized water pipes do not compromise on durability. They are resilient. Additionally, PVC pipe is highly resistant to erosion and abrasion. Watertight connections significantly reduce leakage in treatment plants.
The smooth inner wall surface of PVC pipe minimizes fluid friction and flow resistance.
Operating costs are reduced by reducing the need for cleaning and maintenance. Additionally, PVC pipes have the ability to bend or stretch if exposed to excessive loads. In this way, you do not need any extra care.
Since it is lightweight, it is easy to transport and install. Insulated, plumbing PVC pipe fittings are simple and easy to install, can be tested and placed into service quickly. It can be used for many years.
Kuzeyboru Pvc Pipe Joining Methods
Connection by cementatiton method

Joining by Gasket
The gasket joint provides leakproof. The gasket is inserted into the recesses of muff end. After placing the gasket, liquid soap is applied to the tip to make it slippery. The two pieces are joined together by pushing them up to the muf bed. Note that the gasket inside the piece does not slip.

Joining by Flange
Pvc Pipe Underground Installation
For PVC Pressure Pipes, the trench floor must be rockless and smooth. The width of the trench base is calculated by adding 40 cm of PVC pipe diameter. If the floor determined by considering the standard climatic conditions is required, the appropriate bed material should be laid on the floor between 1 and 1.5 m. Sharp material, pointed stone, rock fragments etc. in the filling material to be used.
There should be no hard parts. The PVC pipe must be prepared before the furnace is started to be laid and about 15 cm without stone should be placed. Carefully, the made-up bed should be laid with PVC pipes and fit comfortably. Side fillings are made by hand and compressed until the end of the pipe. Padding material is poured again up to 15 cm high so as to cover the top of the pipe and compression is made so that it does not come onto the pipe via the machine.
The remaining filling material is placed. Compression is carried out again through the machine without filling it up to 25 cm. The earth filling on the pipe must not be mechanically clamped on the pipe until it is 30 cm long. Concrete should not be poured over the pipe because the pipes lose their flexibility. The recommended cover height is 0.9 mm. Where the climate is cold, frost may be dangerous, so it should be buried deep enough to prevent freezing.
Relevant Transportation and Storage of U-Pvc Pipes
PVC pipes are light compared to other pipe types and they are easy to transport. Shipping cost is low due to lightness. There are considerations to be taken into account during storage and transportation. Care should be taken not to deform the pipes and pipe fittings in order not to break them. The bore portions of the pipes must not touch the place during the storage and transportation periods. Support should be placed under the pipe in contact. During this time, they must be covered in order not to enter foreign objects as dirt, etc., into the pipes.. If the pipes are to be placed on top of each other, the bare parts of the pipes should not touch each other. In other words, the pipes must be placed opposite to each other.

Technological infrastructure
The Kuzeyboru Pvc Pipes is produced from the beginning to the end with superior technological infrastructure.

Superior Performance

%100 Original Raw Material

Kuzeyboru Accredited Pipe Laboratory

Infinite Production Technique

High Quality Reasonable Price
Kuzeyboru Pvc Pipes will be indispensable for your projects with high quality and reasonable price. Get in touch immediately.